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Credit for prior learning (CPL)

'Credit for prior learning' or 'CPL' is our term for exemptions. If you have an accounting or business related degree or a professional accountancy qualification you may apply for credit/exemption against an ICAEW exam module.

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Student clapping hands

Apply for credits - Academic qualification

You may be eligible to apply for CPL if you hold a relevant degree.

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Student holding books.

Apply for credits - Professional qualification

You may be eligible to apply for CPL if you hold a professional qualification.

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Businessmen shaking hands

Join us as a member of another professional body

If you are a qualified member of another professional accountancy body, we may recognise your qualification under one of our membership routes.

Start here

Student looking at notes.

Credit for prior learning (CPL) FAQs

Frequently asked questions about credit for prior learning, also known as exemptions.

Take a look

Students around a table.

CPL student guide

Take a look at our CPL student guide for more information and how to apply.

View the guide